The Precision Farming Primer is a collection of Joseph K. Berry's popular "Inside the GIS Toolbox" column published in the @gInnovator newsletter from 1993 through 2000. It uncovers the potential and pitfalls of the rapidly evolving field of precision farmingnot only what precision farming can and can't not do, but how it does it. This book is ideal for farmers, crop consultants, agronomists, farm input advisors, technology developers and scientists who are interested in a basic understanding of the concerns and considerations surrounding precision farming. The concepts are presented in an informal manner designed so the reader can grasp the broad issues and then delve into more detail, even to the algorithm level.
Content and OrganizationThe Precision Farming Primer describes a comprehensive approach to precision farming consisting of five parts. The early discussions are concerned with the nature, accuracy and application of the two types of spatial data used in precision farmingcontinuously logged data, such as yield measurements and discrete point data, such as soil samples. The third part of the book discusses the procedures of mapped data analysis used to derive relationships between farm outputs (yield map) and the inputs (maps of soil properties, nutrient, terrain and other factors). The next portion of the book investigates spatial modeling approaches that use site-specific relationships to determine appropriate management actions. The final portion discusses general issues surrounding GIS and GPS technology. The appendices provide more detailed discussion of the material presented, a compilation of resources and a software checklist.
The book is available for online viewing at www.innovativegis.com
CD disk and hardcopy versions with tutorial software and exercises are planned for fall 2000. Contact the author at
jberry@innovativegis.com for more information on the hardcopy and CD versions.This book is a compilation of the articles written by Joseph K. Berry
for the "Inside the GIS Toolbox" column appearing in the @gInnovator
newsletter and are individually copyrighted by Meredith Publishing (© 1993-2000). The electronic and hardcopy
versions of this book including text, graphics and supporting materials are copyrighted by
Joseph K. Berry.
(© 1999) All rights
are reserved. Distribution of parts or all
of this book in electronic or hardcopy form is prohibited without prior written
permission of the author.
The Precision Farming Primer
Joseph K. Berry
Berry & Associates // Spatial Information Systems, Inc.
2000 South College Avenue, Suite 300, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA 80525
Phone: 970-490-2155 Email: jberry@innovativegis.com
Website: www.innovativegis.com/basis